Sorry, but no...
When I first saw this game, I was expecting this to have some good game-play, but as soon as I played it for at least 5 minutes, my reaction changed.
The main reason is, that you are putting too much "death walls", spikes and lava in one screen, that it makes the game really annoying and frustrating for others. The main purpose of a flying-type game is to have a fun game-play, not to have your character killed hundreds of times just by touching walls.
The graphics are actually good, especially the background and the level designs. The music and sounds are okay, but the pig's squeals got really annoying, that it makes me want to turn down the volume.
The medal actually made me look surprised. Because for me, it's impossible to finish this game without any deaths.
Overall: The game is okay, I guess. You did put some effort in it, but it is really frustrating to play, which made pretty angry whenever the pig gets killed by everything around him! The next time you make a game, try not to put too much killing objects into one screen, so it can be a little more easier for players to be able to play with better experience. So, I will give a 4/10 stars for now, but hopefully if you make a new game, I will be able to play without any frustration.