First of all, Happy Clock Day! It's good to celebrate the day of the legendary Clock Crew!
But yeah, I am leaving the Art Forum because I can't handle this shit anymore. Certain People keep calling me failure that I can't handle it anymore. I am sure you guys can handle The Never Ending Journey 2 yourself*, while it last...
I know had made mistakes at the Art Forum, but when I come back, I will be a little more better.
JoeTheToucan, if you are reading this right now, and you're thinking "Yay, I won, that Zoid kid is leaving", then that's good for you. I don't know why you are always in a pessimist mood, and you are always complaining and irritating me, but you have to stop. Maybe you had a bad childhood, I don't know. You had made lot's of other people depressed by your little rude comments, which make them feel the same way as me right now. Those people are probably proud about their artwork, but you are just ruining for them by your mean comment like "your art sucks", "your a fag, get off the get off the Internet", etc. So, if you're happy about me leaving the Art Forum, then good. Because I don't fucking care.
Au revoir.
(* I am probably going to pick a person to be charge of the thread, though I am not sure who.)